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BEKASI, Indonesia
Nama Lenkap : Andy Juliansyah Alamat : Jl.Antareja No.75 C Rt.05/011 jatimakmur pondok Gede Bekasi

Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011




  1. Gantungan kunci akar abu-abu 
  2. Jam Dinding Gigi  
  3. Gantungan kunci (smile bulat) 
  4. Busa model gigi 
  5. The Tooth Keychain (sport) 
  6.  The name card Holder 
  7.  Stiker gigi 
  8.  The tool kit keychain (4 design-instrument)
  9.  The Tooth Keychain  (busa akar) 
  10.  The tooth brush holder 
  11.  Mobile phone bag (14) 
  12.  Smiling face brooch (4) 
  13.  Toothbrush (16) 
  14.  Toothbrush head (16) 
  15.  Walking doll (26) 
  16.  Shaking his head doll (9) 
  17.  Adiantum doll (9) 
  18.  Bookmark mouth (30) 
  19.  Animal clip (29) 
  20.  Animal lock (31) 
  21.  Metal key ring (41) 
  22.  Dancing toys (44) 
  23.  Toothpaste,
  24.  tissue boxes  (15) 
  25.  Tissue boxes (38) 
  26.  Smiley face pencil (33) 
  27.  Smiley face (13) 
  28.  Mirror (27) 
  29.  Bread (8) 
  30.  Crystal Key Ring (52)
  31.  Tooth-shaped toothbrush box (11) 
  32.  Box of 12 types of toothbrush (12)
  33.  Animal toothbrush box (5) 
  34.  Peas circular needle plate (28) 
  35.  Toothbrush (20) 
  36.  Doll pen (24) 
  37.  Small doll (18) 
  38.  Cup set (23) 
  39.  Round toilet (22) 
  40.  5 doll toothbrush shelf (21) 
  41.  Robot doll (32) 
  42.  Doll (6) 
  43.  Toothbrush hanging (19) 
  44.  Doll pen sucker (34) 
  45.  Tooth-type hanging doll 1 (3")
  46.  Tooth-type hanging doll 2 (4") 
  47.  Tooth-type hanging doll 3 (5") 
  48.  Tooth-shaped toothbrush box (17) 
  49.  9 Types Tooth-type key (40) 
  50.  Tooth-type key (42) 
  51.  Tooth-type refrigerator magnet (46) 
  52.  Jam meja gigi LAR RUPONG (823-1) 
  53.  Jam dinding LAR RUPONG (8101)
  54.  Model Mulut 
  55.  Boneka Harimau 
  56.  Gantungan Kunci Pasta Gigi 
  57.  Gantungan Kunci Sikat Gigi
  58.  Gantungan Kunci Tooth is Friend 
  59.  The Sharpener 
  60.  Pin Baju (Sikat Gigi Dan Odol 
  61.  Pin Baju Healty 
  62.  Pin Baju Diamond 
  63.  The Box The Card (2Pcs) 
  64.  The Open Closed 
  65.  The Sticker XIAO WU 
  66.  Mouse Pad 
  67.  Tooth Key chain set (cowo - cewe)
  68.  The Tooth Chain 
  69.  Toy Monkey (Mainan Monyet) 
  70.  Toy Ass Toy Cow (Mainan Sapi)
  71.  Toy Ghost With Guitar 
  72.  Toy Ghost With Sickle 
  73.  Magnifier (Kaca Pembesar) 
  74.  Jewelry Mirror (Kaca Hias)
  75.  Gift Bag WF-2154 
  76.  Gift Bag MWJ-1123 
  77.  Kalender 


  1.  Beyond whitening Kit II 
  2.  Beyond whitening Machine 
  3.  Beyond Take - home Kit Beyond 
  4.  Pearl White Toothpaste 
  5.  E-Bright set  
  6.  Fluorident Gel 250ml Mint 
  7.  Tooth Whitening System (Aulen) 
  8.  Tray Material CAO - Tipis /pcs 
  9.  Tray Material CAO - Tebal / pcs 
  10.  Beyond WhiteSpa Treatment pack (5 pasien) 
  11.  Beyond Max 10 
  12.  Beyond Boost Beyond POLUS 
  13.  Whitening Accelerator  
  14.  Beyond II Premier Professional Teeth Whitening kit  
  15.  Stay white Orange 
  16.  Stay white Vanilla 
  17.  Stay white Mint 
  18.  VACUUM FORMING MACHINE (staywhite 36)  
  19.  Dll


  1.  Amalgamator Sanyi 
  2.  Amalgammator Glows III 
  3.  Amalgammator Schenic  YGJ 
  4.  Autoclave SUN-23-I  
  5.  Contra Angle Low Speed (NSK) 
  6.  Electric Suction (YUYUE) 
  7.  Furniture Type L-Cabinet 
  8.  Handpiece Being (foshan) high speed 4 hole 
  9.  Handpiece NSK High Speed 4 hole 
  10.  Handpiece NSK Low Speed 4 hole  
  11.  Intra Oral Camera with USB YOUJOY 
  12.  Intra Oral Sensor HDS-150 
  13.  Light Cure DB-686 (Deep Blue-WireLess) 
  14.  Light Cure SANYI SLC-35D 
  15.  Light Cure SANYI SLC-35E 
  16.  Light Cure FIBOB Silver FB-II  
  17.  Micromotor 207B +AT tanpa Contra 
  18.  Oral Camera Win-Us (Analog) 
  19.  Scaller Great Star O3 
  20.  Scaller Great Star N3 
  21.  Scaller Great Star G-3 
  22.  Scaller Great Star H-3 
  23.  Scaller Great Star F-3 
  24.  Strong Straight Angle (AT-1) 
  25.  Tabung Suction ( 1000 ml )
  26.  Tabung Suction ( 500 ml )  
  27.  Kompressor untuk 1unit (Great Star) 
  28.  Kompressor untuk 2unit (Great Star) 
  29.  Autoclave  YOUJOY (YANG-15L)-thermal vacuum 
  30.  Autoclave (YOUJOY) YUE-15L-3 times vacuum 
  31.  Polishing Jet 4 hole (juwei) 
  32.  Scaler 3H - Piezoinnovision 
  33.  Polishing Jet 4 hole (fibop) 
  34.  Light Curing wireless FB-A3 
  35.  Intra Oral Camera WATSON 
  36.  Intra Oral Camera NICE 
  37.  Handpiece SH-99E 
  38.  X-Ray - Standing (TINGLI) 
  39.  X-Ray - Mobile (QIANLI) Drink Youjoy 
  40.  Handpiece NSK High Speed 2 hole
  41.  Handpiece CX235-4 Complete Pack 
  42.  Scaller 3H (Piezo one) 
  43.  Handpiece NSK Highspeed push button 4 hole 
  44.  Kompresor dengan Dryer (Y560-D) 
  45.  Auto mixer Algimax (Mixer Alginate)-AM 100 
  46.  Suction Unit (YJF-1) U/ Klinik 
  47.  Intra Oral Camera Huijing 
  48.  X-Ray Unit-Movable (Runyes) 
  49.  X-Ray Unit-Wall mounted (Runyes) 
  50.  Dental Cabinet BG-9◊1 
  51.  Dental Cabinet BG-7-A 
  52.  Dental Cabinet BG-Single-High 
  53.  Micromotor Marathon Escort II Pro + Straight 
  54.  Polishing jet Copper type JUWEI  
  55.  NSK Presto Set 
  56.  Handpiece Schezer High Speed (BC) - push button type - ceramic bearing (SZH - 4C - M4) 
  57. Handpiece Schezer High Speed (BS) - push button type - stainless bearing (SZH - 4C - M4) 
  58. Handpiece Schezer Low Speed 201 M4  Middle Gear 201 CA (sparepart contra angle) Cartridge 201 CA (sparepart contra angle) 
  59.  Handpiece Schezer High Speed (CS) - screw type - stainless bearing (SZH - 4M - M4) Matsa MS - 2000 
  60.  Kompresor YJ 60 
  61.  Kompresor YJ 130 
  62.  Kompresor YJ185D 
  63.  Kompresor YJ60D 
  64.  AM100 AUTO MIXER 
  65.  AM-P6310 with Ceiling Mount instead of Floor Stand 
  66.  P6-BS Beam Splitter 
  67.  P6-1/2CCD Video Adapter 
  68.  MTV-32K9 1/2" CCD Camera 
  69.  AM-XGA-80V Professional Camera 
  70.  P6-DA-SLR Digital Camera Adapter for Nikon SLR camera 
  71.  P6-E10x Paired 10X Eyepiece with eye-guards 
  72.  P6-E16x Paired 16X Eyepiece with eye-guards 
  73.  HL8000A 3W LED Headlamp + SL Loupe (3x/420mm) 
  74.  LED Light Cure DB-685 (WIRELESS) 
  75.  Intra Oral Camera Runyes (wireless) 
  76.  X-Ray Film Converter (Analog to Digital) 
  77.  AM-P6310 dental microscope with standard outfits 
  78.  Wireless Intra OraL Camera (Super Cam )-OLD 
  79.  Wired Intra OraL Camera (Super Cam )-OLD 
  80.  Light Cure TWO (3H) 
  81.  Intra Oral Camera Supercam -Cmos-video Intra Oral Camera Supercam -CCD-video,Vga,USB Wireless Receiver Supercam Wireless Transmitter Supercam Small Screen Supercam USB Connector (From Video to USB) Supercam Oil-free Air Compressor Model (Untuk 1 Unit) Oil-free Air Compressor Model  (Untuk 2-3 Unit) 
  82.  Light Curing  Tooth Dryer (Warm Air) 
  83.  Light Curing  Series Delivery Cabinet  Mobile Dental Suction    System  Portable Dental System Simple Aseptilight (Portable   Dental light) Aseptichair  
  84.  Autoclave Youjoy 12L Thermal Drying  Dental Cabinet                Dispenser  Dental Cabinet Dispenser
  85.  Scaller Great Star K3 No quick coupling,
  86.  4 holes connector, single spray, push bottom, 
  87.  ceramic bearing standard head (CODENT) 
  88.  External straight handpiece (CODENT) L 
  89.  External curved handpiece (CODENT) L 
  90.  External air motor (CODENT) L
  91.  Micromotor 207B +AT + Contra 
  92.  Micromotor Marathon Escort II Pro+Str+contra Lamparas led curing light model YS-BI Dental Oilless Air Compressor (JW) Intra Oral Camera CF-986 (Wireless Easy Go) Intra Oral Camera + X-ray Viewer LCD  Endo motor Saeyang Anasthetic Warmer Saeyang Autoclave Youjoy LED Display 22L 
  93.  Ultrasonic Scaller (B3)  Portable Dental Unit with two more   no-function hangings Internal Air Motor (CODENT) Internal Curved Handpiece (CODENT) Internal Straight handpiece (CODENT) New X-ray reader  Light curing Dentmate Light Curing   CN100A Scaller Built in Fomos (Fix)  C1 
  94.  Scaller Built in Fomos (Detachable) C2 
  95.  Water Distiller Fomos Suction Unit (YJF-2) 
  96.  Ultraviolet Bactericidal Light 
  97.  Autoclave YOUJOY 18L-B-LED Ultrasonic 
  98. Scaller L3 with detachable handpiece Ultrasonic
  99.  Scaller (K5) with autoclave box Intra Oral Camera HANRU Endodonetic treatment Portable Suction System (DHD-80P) Precious Metalas Collector (DHD-60F) Curting 
  100.  Light Equipment 75 w 
  101.  Micro Spot Welder Bulid-In Heat Treating High Speed Air   Turbine 
  102.  HandPiece (Huatai) High Speed Air Turbine HandPiece Lower (Huatai) 

FF - S C H E Z H E R

  1.  Amalgam Gun 45° No. 2410/2  
  2.  Amalgam Gun 90° No. 2410/3  
  3.  Amalgam Plugger 1X1.5mm Serrated Tips 
  4.  Amalgam Plugger 2X2.5mm Serrated Tips 
  5.  Articulating Paper Forceps No. APF-2 
  6.  B.P. Handle No. 3 
  7.  Ball Burnisher S/E No. 29 
  8.  Band Seater No. MK-556 
  9.  Boley Gauge No. BG 
  10.  Bone Curettes Hemingway No. 930/4 
  11.  Bone File No. 52 (Hu Friedy Type) 
  12.  Bur Box No. 8 
  13.  Cement Spatula No. 1655/2  
  14.  Cement Spatula No.1650/2 
  15.  Cement Stopper 1X1.5mm  Plain Tips 
  16.  Cement Stopper 2X2.5mm Plain Tips 
  17.  Cheatle Sterilizing Forceps 27cm 
  18.  Chip Blower with Rubber Bulb  
  19.  Citoject Syringe in Box No. 4965  
  20.  Cotton Holder No. 2610 
  21.  Cotton Plier College Japanese Steel No. 2255/2 
  22.  CPTIN Coloured No. 548/1 
  23.  Crown Remover D/E with 3 Tips No. 4571 (KIA Brand)
  24.  Crown Scissors Str. No. 2620/1 
  25.  Dissecting Forceps 14cm 
  26.  Dycal Applicator No. 313/03 
  27.  Edentolous Tray S, M, L, (U/L) 
  28.  Elastic Placer No. MK-560 
  29.  Elastic Remover No. MK-553 
  30.  Excavator No. 1  
  31.  Excavator No. 2 
  32.  Finger Protector Medium No. 2485/2  
  33.  Friedman Bone Rongure 14cm No. 820/10 
  34.  Gracey Curettes Round without 
  35. Cut in zipper pouch Gum Scissors 
  36. Curved (lengkung) No. 1155/2  
  37.  Gum Scissors Straight-Lurus No. 1155/1 
  38.  Halfmoon Scaler Small (KIA Type) 
  39.  Hammer Mead with Rubber No. 860/4 
  40.  LeCron Carver No. 2100/1 
  41.  LeCron Carver No. 2100/2 
  42.  Ligature Director No. MK-554 
  43.  Ligature Plier Mathieu (Needle Holder) No. 60-215 
  44.  Locking Tweezer No. 2320/2 
  45.  Mariam Tweezer Japanese Steel No. 2265/2 
  46.  Matrix Band Tofflemier No. 2491 
  47.  Matrix Retainer Ivory No. 2460 
  48. Ivory 12 
  49.  Mouth Mirror Handle Round Nordent 
  50.  Mouth Mirror Plain No. 4 / PCS 
  51.  Partial Tray Turnble Medium 
  52.  Perio Probe 14W Periosteal
  53.  Elevator Molt No. 9 
  54.  Pincet Soldering Tweezer No. 2325/2 
  55.  Plaster Cutter 8” No. 4558 
  56.  Plaster Knife DS-60 No. 4542 
  57.  Plaster Spatula 4” Flexible Blade No. 4560 
  58.  Plastic Spatula No. 1960/2 
  59.  Plastic Spatula No. 1960/3 
  60.  Probe No. 1420/33 
  61.  Probe No. 1420/44 
  62.  Raspatories No. 880/2 
  63.  Root Canal Plugger No. 5/7 
  64.  Root Canal Spreader No. GP2 
  65.  Root Elevator Bein 2mm No. 680/1 
  66.  Root Elevator No. 1(735/1) 
  67.  Root Elevator No. 2 (735/2) 
  68.  Root Elevator No. 720/1  
  69.  Root Elevator No. 720/2 
  70.  Root Elevator No. 720/3 
  71.  Root Elevator No. 720/4 
  72.  Root Elevator Winter No. 780/3  
  73.  Root Elevator Winter No. 780/4 
  74. Straight Root Splinter Forceps 45° No. 592 
  75.  Rubber Dam Punch No. 2550/1 
  76.  Scaler No. 1200/35  
  77.  Scaler No. 1200/36  
  78.  Scaler No. 1230/7  
  79.  Scaler No. 1230/8 
  80.  Sprit Lamp T. Burnisher S/E No. 33 
  81.  Tooth Forceps Adult (Tang Cabut Dewasa) 500/1 
  82.  Tooth Forceps Adult (Tang Cabut Dewasa) 500/7 
  83.  Tooth Forceps Adult (Tang Cabut Dewasa) 500/13 
  84.  Tooth Forceps Adult (Tang Cabut Dewasa) 500/17 
  85.  Tooth Forceps Adult (Tang Cabut Dewasa) 500/18 
  86.  Tooth Forceps Adult (Tang Cabut Dewasa) 500/22 
  87.  Tooth Forceps Adult (Tang Cabut Dewasa) 500/29 
  88.  Tooth Forceps Adult (Tang Cabut Dewasa) 500/33 
  89.  Tooth Forceps Adult (Tang Cabut Dewasa) 500/51A 
  90.  Tooth Forceps Adult (Tang Cabut Dewasa) 500/67A 
  91.  Tooth Forceps Children (Tang cabut Anak) 570
  92.  Tooth Forceps Children (Tang cabut Anak) 571 
  93.  Tooth Forceps Children (Tang cabut Anak) 572 
  94.  Tooth Forceps Children (Tang cabut Anak) 573 
  95.  Tooth Forceps Children (Tang cabut Anak) 575 
  96.  Tooth Forceps Children (Tang cabut Anak) 576 
  97.  Tooth Forceps Children (Tang cabut Anak) 577 
  98.  Tooth Tweezers No. 580 
  99. Sharp Point Wastage Receiver No. 2613 (tempat kapas kotor) 
  100.  Wax Knife Grooved Large No. 2210/2 
  101.  Wax Spatula Cvd (Wooden Handle) No. 4562 
  102.  Caliper for Metal (Laser Printing) 
  103.  Crown Splinting Stop 
  104. Plier V Shape No. 60-224T 
  105.  Mouth Gag Japan Type Amalgam Well
  106.  Root Elevator Luxator (Set of 6 in Zipper pouch) 
  107.  Citoject Syringe Automatic Non Magnetic Stainless Steel 
  108.  Excavator Ash No. 133/134 
  109.  Excavator Ash No. 129/130 
  110.  Mosquito-Micro Forceps Small Cvd. 10Cm 
  111.  Mouth mirror plain no. 5/pcs 
  112.  Plastic spatula No. 1960/1 
  113.  Minnesota cheek retractor 14cm 
  114.  Raspatory No. 880/1 Big, 15cm 
  115.  Luxator 2.5mm Str 
  116.  Luxator 3.5mm Str Measuring 
  117.  Probe 14W 
  118.  Gracey Currettes Coloured 8 pcs/set 
  119.  Burnisher No.29-33 
  120.  Burnisher No.31-34
  121.  Impression Tray L 
  122.  Impression Tray M 
  123.  Impression Tray S 
  124.  Articulator No.5222 in (Garfield Box ) 
  125.  Abutment Clamp 18cm 
  126.  Tas untuk 68 Pcs. 
  127. Hand Instruments Tas untuk 18 Pcs. 
  128. Tooth Forceps Adlt & Child Tas untuk 39 Pcs. 
  129. Assorted Instruments Tas untuk 20 Pcs. 
  130. Pliers Tas untuk 20 Pcs. 
  131. Root Elevator Cement Spatula No. 1655/1 
  132.  Root Elevator Bein 2mm No. 680/2 
  133.  Adson Forceps C-0173 
  134.  Adson Tissue Forceps C-0174 
  135.  Alginate Spatula C-0740 
  136.  Amalgam Plugger 1x1.5mm serrated tips Hollow 
  137. Handle Amalgam Plugger 2x2.5mm serrated tips
  138.  Hollow Handle Blade # 10 (05 Box each) 100 Pcs.  
  139.  Blade Holder  C-0209 
  140.  Blade Holder Angular C-0212 Blade Holder Str. C-0211 
  141.  Bone Caliper C-0736 
  142.  Brophy Forceps C-0178 
  143.  Cement Stopper 1x1.5mm, Plain Tips, 
  144. Hollow Handle Cement Stopper 2x2.5mm, Plain Tips, 
  145. Hollow Handle Crown & Bridge Remover (Mosquito with Ring) 
  146.  Crown Opener C-0782 
  147.  Crown Opener C-0783 
  148.  Excavator # 123/124 C-1122 
  149.  Excavator No.1, Hollow Handle 
  150.  Excavator No.2, Hollow Handle 
  151.  File Holder Impression Tray (set of 6 Pcs.) S, M,L 
  152.  Instruments Tray H.F for 10 Pcs. 
  153.  Instruments Tray with lining C-1202 
  154.  Luxator H.F 3.5mm Str. C-0347 
  155.  Luxator H.F 3.5mm,  Cvd. C-0346 
  156.  Luxator H.F. (set of 6), in zipper pouch 
  157.  Mouth Mirror Front Surface No.4 (Box/12pcs) 
  158.  Perio Probe D/E, G707(Fox) C-0131 
  159.  Root Canal Explorer C-0148 # DG16/23 
  160.  Sternberg Retractor C-0512 
  161.  Tissue Forceps C-0170
  162.  Blade # 11 (05 Box each) 100 Pcs. 
  163.  Blade # 12 (05 Box each) 100 Pcs.  
  164.  Blade # 15 (05 Box each) 100 Pcs.  
  165.  Plastic spatula No. 1960/1 Hollow Handle 
  166.  Plastic spatula No. 1960/2 Hollow Handle 
  167.  Microject Syringe 
  168.  Explorer No. 5 
  169.  Explorer No. 5 Hollow Handle 
  170.  Mirror Handle Hollow (C-0205)  
  171.  Tooth Forceps No. 88 R-L US Patthern  
  172.  Bone Curetten Lucas No. 85 Round Handle
  173.  Bone Curetten Lucas No. 86 Round Handle 
  174.  Bone Curetten Lucas No.87 Round Handle 
  175.  Tooth Forceps Adult 1 set: dengan tas (500/1,500/7,500/13,500/17,500/18,500/22,500/29, 500/33,500/51A,500/67A) 
  176.  Tooth Forceps Children (Tang cabut Anak) 1 set :  dengan tas (570,571,572,573,575,576,577) 
  177. Mouth Mirror Plain No. 4 / BOX 
  178.  Mouth mirror plain no. 5/box 
  179.  Root Splinter Forceps No. 586, No. 588 (22 each) 
  180.  Partial tray No. 30 Partial tray No. 31 
  181.  Partial tray No. 30,31,32,33 (set 0f 4) in box 
  182.  Articulator Handy 2A 
  183.  Partial Tray Turnble Large 
  184. Crown Breaking Forceps 45º  
  185. Root Elevator Spoon Cvd., C-0301, French Steel  
  186. Partial tray Turnable Small   
  187. Root tip Pick Str., C-0363, French Steel 
  188. Root tip Pick Left., C-0364, French Steel 
  189. Root tip Pick Right., C-0365, French Steel 
  190. Mosquito Forceps Str. Fine, 12.5 cm, C-0563 
  191. Mosquito Forceps Cvd. Fine, 12.5 cm, C-0563  
  192.  Crown Opener 45º  
  193. Mayo hegar Needle Holder 15cm, C-0602  
  194. Endo Box with Number 
  195. Kidney Tray 6"
  196. Amalgam Carrier Swiss, C-0760
  197. Caliper for wax, C-0735
  198. Endodontic Ruler with Hole, C-1261   
  199. Dll


  1.  Grinder Gantung  + handpiece kecil 
  2.  Gold Steam Cleaner Pigeon 
  3.  Mesin Casting  JN A-II B 
  4.  Furnace (China) LNY, type Classical 
  5.  Furnace (China) LNY, type: Natural II-G
  6.  Mesin Flexidenture-Manual (AULEN)-YX-2000 
  7.  Mesin Bakar Wax  
  8.  Mesin Penblast  
  9.  Mesin Poles Acrylic 
  10.  Mesin Potong Logam GQM-2 
  11.  Mesin Sanblast MC 8 
  12.  Mesin Steam Cleaner MC 11
  13. Mesin Trimmer MC6  
  14.  Micromotor Forte 100 
  15.  Handpiece A38 - 35000 rpm (excellent) 
  16.  Vacum Blander (vacum Mixer) ZKG-2 (HEAD) Agar Duplicating Box (HEAD) Surveyor (HEAD) 
  17.  Micromotor Forte 200 
  18.  Micromotor Strong 90 
  19.  Micromotor Strong 204 (Excelent)  
  20.  Handpiece grinder gantung (A-218) 
  21.  Handpiece FARO (T213) 
  22.  Grinder Gantung tanpa handpiece 
  23.  Disc untuk Trimmer (Refill) - HEAD 
  24.  Dental Lab Bench Surveyor 
  25.  Marathon 103 (with Holder) 
  26.  Micromotor COMBI Marathon 
  27.  Micromotor Marathon Handy 700 (Brushless) 
  28.  Micromotor Marathon 3 set 
  29.  Mesin trimmer Haide 
  30.  Handpiece Faro 2 ULTRASONIC CLEANER DIGITAL TYPE 4800 ALM-6 
  31.  Dental Lab Stereo Microscope with Ring     
  32.  Mesin aduk agar Vacuum 
  33.  Forming Machine 220 V VIP UNIVERSAL X-PRESS 230 V SILVER BULLET "+" 220 V (pasangan VIP UNIVERSAL X-PRESS) 
  34.  Micromotor Strong 204 + 102L S-501 
  35.  Steamer S-701 Pin Borer & Trimmer 
  36.  Bottle for Vacuum Mixer - SMALL 
  37.  Bottle for Vacuum Mixer - BIG  
  38.  Grinder gantung + Handpiece 20.000 RPM 
  39.  Porcelain Round (Brown) 
  40.  Porcelain Round (White) 
  41.  Rubber Hijau (D-Line) 
  42.  Round bur  (ISO 500 001 008)/pcs - ktk biru 
  43.  Silicone Ruber points HIJAU (Code: 016-4) 
  44.  Silicone Ruber points ABU-ABU (Code: 002-1) 
  45.  Stone Blue  /pcs Stone Blue   /pcs 
  46.  Stone Pink    P 10 
  47.  Stone Pink    P 13 
  48.  Stone Pink    P 14 
  49.  Stone Pink    P 49 
  50.  Stone Pink    P 5 
  51.  Diamond bur Hi-care 
  52.  DISC KECIL TIPIS 22 x 0,25 
  53.  DISC KECIL TIPIS 22 x 0,3 
  54.  DISC KECIL TIPIS 25 x 0,35 
  55.  DISC KECIL TIPIS 25 x 0,6 
  56.  DISC KECIL TEBAL 38 x 0,7 
  57.  DISC KECIL TEBAL 38 x1,7 
  58.  BUR LAB 18P BUR LAB
  59.  Dll

Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011


  1.  Articulating Paper
  2.  Alginate Normal & Colour Change
  3.  Cevitron
  4.  Eye Sight Dentin DA2
  5.  Eye sight Enamel E1 (6gr) - bisa utk Lab
  6.  Gel Etchant (10ml) 
  7.  Glass Ionomer Cement  
  8.  Gutta Percha Gapadent 
  9.  Progress Flow  (1,8 gr) 
  10.  Progress Plus  (4 gr)  
  11.  Dental Stone Kopo  /1kg   
  12.  Film Panoramic X-ray (Film-nya)
  13.  Bubuk Polishing Jet (juwei)  
  14.  Paper Points Gapadent  (200 pcs/slide)
  15.  Composite Nano hybrid Able 
  16.  Protefix Adhesive Cream 40 ml
  17.  Protefix Adhesive Powder 20 gr 
  18.  Protefix Adhesive Cushions lower dent  
  19.  Amalgama Capsules 45%Ag 600mg 
  20.  Sobica 80 gr Lemon/Mint 
  21.  Microhybrid Kit A2 A3
  22.  Flowable Composite Kit (A2, A3, A3.5)  
  23.  Composite Nano Hybrid A3,5 
  24.  Defend Prophy Paste  
  25.  Light Cure Orthodontic Adhesive One Step (5 gr)  
  26.  Self Cure Orthodontic Adhesive One Step (5 Gr) 
  27.  Self Cure Orthodontic Adhesive One Step (2 x 3,5 Gr)  
  28.  Dll

Toy Ghost with Guitar

Tang cabut Dewasa set

Satu set Bein / Root Elevator

Mesin Anatasy

Impresion Tray Set

Dental Stone

Unit FN 10 E

Unit FN 10 E
Komplit Murah Meriah